Introduction – Getting truly born again

Getting born again is a really exciting, but also difficult topic. There is so much misunderstanding, lack of knowledge, unclarity in this area.

Many believers think they had been born again at the beginning of their Christian lives, while what they experienced was not their rebirth at all. They mix up conception with getting born. That one is also a great miracle and a huge thing, and one becomes child of God that very moment, but it doesn’t mean they getting born as well.

Another misconception about being born again is that many tend to it as a New Testament thing, not having existed in the Old Testament times. Though the story of Nicodemus we will see that it is not the case.

But what does it really mean to be born again? Very briefly, to be born again is a process of creating something new. It has a beginning: when someone starts his way of becoming a disciple. That is the time when God’s Word conceives in us, however it is not a birth yet, but just a conception. Rebirth is very closely related to the concept of creation, and what really happens to us is just the 1st day of creation with the message: “Let there be light!” It’s an amazing thing start happening to someone, but there are still 5 days left of creation until one can enter the Day of Rest. That is the time when our rebirth, becoming a new creation completed.

The number one goal of our Christian lives being a disciple is to go through this process becoming born again. The very problem with consignees of the Epistle of Hebrews was that they already had been believers for a long time, nevertheless they need to be urged with the message of being diligent to enter God’s Rest (Heb 4:1-12).

With this series of teaching I’d like to thoroughly explore the topic of getting born again. I wish it would help us understand what that really means and lead us there.